Spend an unforgettable holiday by the sea in this bright and inviting holiday apartment with pool access.
Make yourself comfortable with your loved ones in the cosy, modernly furnished rooms. Relax on the sofa and enjoy the beautiful view outside. Start the day with a good breakfast on the balcony overlooking the pool, which awakens anticipation of swimming fun and sunbathing, or end an eventful day outdoors here.
Take the whole family for a walk to the beach, where the children can run around and you can enjoy the sun in peace. On holiday in Bredene you have the opportunity for numerous activities for young and old. Visit the blue and white striped water tower, which can be seen from afar and offers a fantastic panoramic view once you have climbed the stairs. The Grasduinen recreation area is also a great destination. Here you can go for a lovely walk, cycle or test your skills on the mountain bike course, and there are plenty of play facilities for children.
Look forward to an eventful holiday in this attractive holiday apartment!
Make yourself comfortable with your loved ones in the cosy, modernly furnished rooms. Relax on the sofa and enjoy the beautiful view outside. Start the day with a good breakfast on the balcony overlooking the pool, which awakens anticipation of swimming fun and sunbathing, or end an eventful day outdoors here.
Take the whole family for a walk to the beach, where the children can run around and you can enjoy the sun in peace. On holiday in Bredene you have the opportunity for numerous activities for young and old. Visit the blue and white striped water tower, which can be seen from afar and offers a fantastic panoramic view once you have climbed the stairs. The Grasduinen recreation area is also a great destination. Here you can go for a lovely walk, cycle or test your skills on the mountain bike course, and there are plenty of play facilities for children.
Look forward to an eventful holiday in this attractive holiday apartment!