Welcome to Pag-Novajla - Look forward to a family vacation.
In this vacation home you will wake up in the bright bedroom and after getting up you will immediately go to the terrace with a view of the distance and the sea. If you don't feel like having breakfast right away, you can jump into the swimming pool first with your children to spend a relaxing morning here.
On foot you can reach many activities in the village, for example the beach. If you don't feel like swimming in the sea, you can leisurely explore the place with a walk. Later you can do this on a sailing trip on the azure sea, or maybe you feel like exploring the place on a city trip? Let Novijla convince you and discover a unique corner of Croatia with experiences for the whole family.
End the evening with a delicious meal in your vacation home and look forward to tomorrow and new experiences.
This vacation home is the perfect oasis for your next vacation.
In this vacation home you will wake up in the bright bedroom and after getting up you will immediately go to the terrace with a view of the distance and the sea. If you don't feel like having breakfast right away, you can jump into the swimming pool first with your children to spend a relaxing morning here.
On foot you can reach many activities in the village, for example the beach. If you don't feel like swimming in the sea, you can leisurely explore the place with a walk. Later you can do this on a sailing trip on the azure sea, or maybe you feel like exploring the place on a city trip? Let Novijla convince you and discover a unique corner of Croatia with experiences for the whole family.
End the evening with a delicious meal in your vacation home and look forward to tomorrow and new experiences.
This vacation home is the perfect oasis for your next vacation.